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DDirect appeals target the decisions of the lower courts. This can be in connection to a defendant’s criminal conviction, sentence, or can be the requesting of a Certificate of Appealability (COA). In order to bring an appeal to the appellate court, a timely notice of appeal most be filed. This notice of appeal triggers several important functions such as the record being transmitted to the appellate court and the delivery of a briefing schedule. Unless granted IFP status, a docking fee must be made to the district court. While there are no absolute deadlines, direct appeals generally take 6-9 months to decide without oral arguments. 

Purchase Options

Because a properly filed appeal requires a review of the entire record, including transcripts, the costs associated with this service can only be estimated by an independent analysis of the case. As a result the fees for this service can only be estimated between $7,500 and $25,000.


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